Monthly Archives: April 2011

What colour is your tea ?

A small house is transformed into a concept store by Alan Chu where the colors of the
little tins of the 35 blends offered by  “the gourmet tea brand” are the inspiration for this

project description:
“The minimalist organization of the space associated with the simplicity of finishes allows
the product (tea) stands out in a precise and smooth way.
The only furniture made of
plywood on which a colorful adhesive was applied, organizes all the space of the shop. It
gathers balcony, store, box, tidbits and staging area”.
(images from

Simple real life !!!!



(image 01 from
(images 02, 03, 04, 05 from

A place in the sky !!!!


Would you start your day with this way ?

“Breakfast in the sky, lunch in the sky, cocktails in the sky, meeting in the sky…”

The creators of Dinner in the sky explain:
“Dinner in the Sky is hosted at a table suspended at a height of 50 metres by a team of
professionals,is a unique event meant for anyone who wishes to transform an ordinary
meal or meeting into a magical moment that will leave a lasting impression on their guests!”

(Images from )

A place to start your day


Create a flexible place to start and finish
your day
, a place to enjoy a cup of coffee,
a small meal, to relax or chat with family
members or close friends. Many homeowners 
support the idea of having a comfortable,
inviting place in their kitchen, but you could
find other corners of your home. The reception
area of ​​a home can be enough to fit a table, a
corner near a window, a bedroom with a table
and comfortable chairs can be ideal for a
breakfast in the morning or a late night dinner.

 Where are you saying goodmorning ? 


The table is the center of your place, there must be enough room to move
comfortably as you serve.

Small bistro tables, tall tables, rusrtic wooden tables and chairs can all be
used to creaty a cozy, welcoming area where you can start your day.

(image 01 from
(other images from

Nice items to start your day !!!!



Start your day with your favorite items, choose a theme of the day create combinations you like
and invite your family members to start your day. Mornings are fundamental. What you do in the
very first moments of your morning without doubt will shape your entire day.


Arrange items by color, material and create the scenery you imagine ….

Use fabric in special spots, texture and sizes to add color and character in your place.


(images 01, 06,  08, 09 from
(image 02, 03, 04, o5, 07, 10, 11, 12 from

The relations of space and place

                                 In experience, the meaning of space often merges with that of place.
                              “Space” is more abstract than “place”
                                The ideas “space” and “place” require each other for definition. 
                                From the security and stability of place we are aware of the openness,
                                freedom, and threat of space, and vice versa. Furthermore if we think
                               of space as that which allows movement, then place is pause
                               each pause in movement makes it possible for location to be transformed
                               into place. 
                              (Yi-Fu Tuan, Space and Place, p.6)

Tell a story to your child today !!!!


 Today is the International Children’s Book Day. Is a yearly event sponsored by the
International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY), an international non-profit organization.
Founded in 1967, the day is observed on or around Hans Christian Andersen‘s birthday, April 2.
Activities include writing competitions, announcements of book awards and events with authors .

“Once upon a time , many years ago,
far from here, there was a beautiful country ….”


“Elisavetta and Rodoanthos is a story for adults, that in a strange way it also moves the children.
The journey for love starts from the very old days. Seventeen years ago this story touched some
adult who depicted it. If only this becomes a reason for its readers for something beautiful and
creative in their life.”

Suzana Scodra has written the story of Elisavetta and Rodoanthos-The search for love and the
meeting with the other person-.

Ekaterini Scodra has illustrated the story of Elisavetta and Rodoanthos-Reveals the journey to love-.

(images from Ekaterini Scodra)